The NovIKrog Project

Circular map

Circular Map of Analyzed Waste Flows within the Project New Circle in Dolenjska

Waste streams - where they go and what quantities

The Sankey diagram shows certain incoming material streams of waste, such as waste industrial plastics, plastic packaging, waste clothing, waste batteries and their path to the final customer – citizens or natural persons, public institutions or companies. Within the framework of the New Circle project, we are trying to find solutions to extend the lifespan of materials with the help of the circular green public procurement tool, i.e. to close these material loops as circularly as possible, which means that as few materials as possible go to incineration or disposal and that as many materials as possible are recovered in the form of a secondary raw material back into the production process. This saves natural resources and reduces CO2 emissions.

The Sankey diagram

Click on the link where you can zoom in on your data, or you can try changing and adding new material flows in the web application below.

The Sankey diagram
Circular loops

Circular loops

nput materials comprise 57 tons of waste materials—clothing, industrial plastic, and plastic packaging—produced in one year from a selected sample of stakeholders included in the analysis (company Beti, schools, citizens of Novo mesto).

Of this, 17.54% (10 tons) potentially return to the production process as secondary raw materials. 38.60% (22 tons) of materials are designated for incineration or landfill, while the destination or final location of the remaining materials is unknown.


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